Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is Actinic Cheilosis?

Actinic cheilosis is one of the most common skin problems observed in the elderly. People aged 50 or above are prone to contracting this kind of skin condition and factors like over exposure to ultraviolet light increase the risks of developing discolorations in the lips, especially in the lower lip vermillion.

While this kind of skin problem has minimal morbidity, it still helps to take steps to counter the effects of this skin condition. If you notice discoloration and chapping on your lips, it would help a lot to seek help from your doctor right away. Your doctor might give you medications and you will need to use lip balms and sunscreens to help prevent further degeneration of the affected areas.

If you notice ulcers or crusts developing on the affected areas, you might want to tell your doctor about it so that the necessary tests can be made on you.

Finding Effective Cheilosis Treatment

Angular cheilosis is an unsightly skin condition. Not only is it unsightly, it can also cause you pain. The pain you feel comes with almost every movement you make with your mouth or lips and in severe cases, the cracks or splits along the corners of your mouth can bleed.

You might well be familiar that angular cheilosis (or what others refer to as perleche) is caused by several factors. Getting to the root cause of your skin condition can help much in finding effective cheilosis treatment.

For example, if your skin condition is caused by pathogenic infections (like those caused by bacteria or fungi), your doctor will most likely recommend the use of topical creams or medicated lip balms with 1% hydro cortisone to help ease the pain you feel. On the other hand, if your skin condition is due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency, you will most likely need to make changes in your daily diet and you might also be required to take supplements like iron or riboflavin.

Angular Cheilosis 101

Having chapped lips is not only unsightly - it can also be quite annoying and painful. Just imagine how painful this can become when the chapping happens along the corner of your mouth…

Angular cheilosis is a condition wherein cracks or splits appear along the corners of your mouth. The cracks or splits can bleed and they can also develop into ulcers. The skin around the affected area can also become dry and flaky. Having this kind of skin problem is not only embarrassing; it can also be truly painful. Just imagine, simply moving or opening your mouth can already cause severe pain, and can even make the cracks or splits bleed.

To save you from the pain and embarrassment, it would be wise to see a doctor. By seeking advice from your doctor, you will be able to learn more about effective ways on how to address your skin condition at its very cause.